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is your website pinterest friendly?

If it isn't, it means that some people won't even know that they can pin from your website. And other people who try to pin from it will end up not doing it because you've made it hard for them to do so.

Because your website is not set up the right way or your pin designs do not encourage pinning.

I mean, would you pin a bad/wrong image? I know I wouldn't.

These are some reasons why the way you set up your website is important for Pinterest.

And that's why I created this book for you:


In this book you'll learn:

  • The easiest way to set up your website so it's Pinterest friendly.
  • The secrets to creating beautiful, pinnable, traffic boosting pins.
  • How to optimise your blog posts for pinning, including 4 different ways to display your pins.
  • The tools and strategies you need to boost Pinterest traffic.
How to set up your website for Pinterest Success
How to set up your website for Pinterest Success bundle

And if you get the book, you'll also get a BONUS:

  • How To Set Up Pinterest For Success, including the 4 secret boards every blogger should have.
  • 7 Elements Of A Perfect Pin (accompanying guide).
How to set up your website for Pinterest success

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